Nasser Rastegar-Nejad: In a Persian Garden - The Santur DOWNLOAD ONLY LYR-7434
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Nasser Rastegar-Nejad, poet, singer, and master player of the santur (dulcimer played with wooden mallets), performs five lengthy traditional pieces in different scales, or gushes. 69 minutes with notes on the artist and the history of Persian music.In the hands of a master player such as Nasser Rastegar-Nejad, the strings of the santur, Iran's ancient hammered dulcimer, produce a delicate and passionate music that is the embodiment of Persian culture and sensibility. This evocative and thoroughly authentic recital of five pieces for santur in different scales (or gushe), is a Lyrichord classic peerless instrumental mastery captured on a sonicly superb recording, digitally mastered to exacting specifications.
1. Dashti - 11:34
2. Shur - 14:42
3. Abu-Ata - 12:46
4. Afshari - 12:43
5. Homayun - 15:52
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